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10 Crazy Things Reddit is Saying About… Freedome?

Tuomas Rantalainen

31.10.16 2 min. read

Everyone likes knowing what people are saying about them, right? We sure do, so we set up a bot to notify the team whenever someone mentions us in a Reddit conversation. We expected  to get some insight into what people like and don’t like about Freedome, if they recommend it to their friends, and yes, maybe a little praise to stroke our egos. We got all that, but what we didn’t expect was so many… typos.


It turns out some people on the internet  have trouble with their spelling (who would have guessed) and mistype the word “Freedome” quite often. So here are 10 funny instances of Freedome being mentioned on Reddit in contexts that range from absurd to kind of tragic.


Can you guess which of these 10 quotes are actually related to Freedome and not a typo? Find the answer on the bottom of the page

  1. “Then you start to realize 2 day weekend isn’t enough. After that comes the fact that you’re  just a slave. You only work to eat and have no freedome.”
  2. “I lost my girlfriend who i love because i was too busy enjoying my stupid “new freedome”” 
  3. “I broke the law and then paid the consequences. Government is corrupt and hates freedome!”
  4. “Innocent until proven guilty: FREEDOME b***h”
  5. “It’s a philosophical movie about Freedome”
  6. “I told him what I wanted : Freedome so I could live the life I wanted comfortably”
  7. “You don’t need a dictatorship to create Freedome”
  8. It can’t be stopped. More and more people will just want freedome!
  9. what exactly makes you think its okay to call him a loser? because he stays at his parents house and has the freedome to play/drink all he wants?
  10. I have a boyfriend: he can buy me my Freedome!


Answer: None. Although we really wish 6 and 8 were actually comments about us.

Tuomas Rantalainen

31.10.16 2 min. read


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