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Show Off Your F-Secure SENSE

Grace Roberts

20.10.17 1 min. read

F-Secure SENSE, the WiFi router that secures your connected home, is making a buzz on social media — and for a good reason. In addition to F-Secure SENSE being sleek and easy to use, SENSE is an attractive product that is perfect for featuring in photos on social media.

Want to see how others are making use of their SENSE devices? You can do so by checking out the #ShowYourSENSE gallery. Here are a few of our favorite pictures that have been shared so far:


We’d like to invite you to join in the fun! Here’s how it works: Simply take a photo of your SENSE router in a home environment, share it on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #ShowYourSENSE and/or #FSecureSENSE. We’ll then feature the photo in our page’s gallery. Keep your eyes peeled to see your #ShowYourSENSE photos live on the site.

Seize the opportunity. #ShowYourSENSE.

Grace Roberts

20.10.17 1 min. read


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