Taking Pwnie Out On The Town
Black Hat 2018 is now over, and the winners of the Pwnie Awards have been published. The Best Client-Side Bug was awarded to Georgi Geshev and Rob Miller for their work called “The 12 Logic Bug Gifts of Christmas.”
Georgi and Rob work for MWR Infosecurity, which (as some of you might remember) was acquired by F-Secure earlier this year. Both MWR and F-Secure have a long history of geek culture. One thing we’ve done for years, is to take our trophies (or “Poikas”) for a trip around the town.
So, while the Pwnie is still here in Helsinki before going home to UK, we took it around the town!
Pwnie at the F-Secure HQ.
Pwnie at Ruoholahdenkanava.
Pwnie at the West Harbour.
Pwnie looks at the Baana.
Pwnie and some Atari 2600s and laptops at the Helsinki computer museum.
Pwnie looking at a Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 supersonic interceptor.
Pwnie at the Art Museum.
Pwnie chilling on our award shelf.
Pwnie at the house of parliament.
Pwnie at the Tuomikirkko Cathedral.
Thanks for all the bugs, MWR!
P.S. If you’re wondering about the word “Poika” we use for trophies, here’s a short documentary video that explains it in great detail.